
Price list

Price list 2025

Pricelist valid from 02.01.2025 to 18.12.2025

02. 01. - 17. 03.
28. 03. - 02. 04.
29. 04. - 12. 05.
13. 06. - 29. 09.
24. 10. - 28. 10.
17. 03. - 28. 03.
02. 04. - 29. 04.
12. 05. - 13. 06.
29. 09. - 24. 10.
28. 10. - 19. 12.
Triple Panorama room
per 3 guests 
4.440,- CZK/night 4.340,- CZK/night
Double Deluxe room
per 2 guests 
3.690,- CZK/night 3.590,- CZK/night
Double Deluxe Junior room III.
per 2 guests 
3.690,- CZK/night 3.590,- CZK/night
Double Deluxe Junior room II.
per 2 guests 
3.590,- CZK/night 3.490,- CZK/night
Double Deluxe Plus room
per 2 guests 
3.800,- CZK/night 3.700,- CZK/night
Double Suite Deluxe
per 2 guests 
4.330,- CZK/night 4.230,- CZK/night
Apartment Deluxe
per 4 guests
7.300,- CZK/night 7.200,- CZK/night
Apartment Family
per 4 guests
6.980,- CZK/night 6.880,- CZK/night
Apartment Premium
per 6 guests 
7.800,- CZK/night 7.700,- CZK/night
Villa Jana
per 4-6 guests
8.950,- CZK/night 8.850,- CZK/night
Vila Marie
per 4-8 guests
9.950,- CZK/night 9.850,- CZK/night
Accommodation without breakfast / 1 night
Apartment Radhošť (chalet Gigula) 4.520,- CZK/night 4.520,- CZK/night
Apartment Javorník (chalet Gigula) 2.850,- CZK/night 2.850,- CZK/night
Additional bed 910,- CZK/night 810,- CZK/night
Small dog, cat * 450,- CZK/night 450,- CZK/night
Big dog * 950,- CZK/night 950,- CZK/night
Double room with sole occupancy - 15 % - 15 %
Triple Panorama room occupied by 2 people - 10 % - 10 %
Child's bed 200,- CZK/night 200,- CZK/night
Children under 10 years old accompanied by 2 adults discount 150,- CZK/night discount 150,- CZK/night
Children under 2 years for free for free
(The discount does not apply to the apartments and the vilas)
Dining Adults Children under 10 years old
Breakfast included included
Lunch from 260,- CZK/day from 180,- CZK/day
Dinner 340,- CZK/day 240,- CZK/day
Hotel room service (food and drink) ** 250,- CZK

The hotel operator reserves the right to change the prices of accommodation and services.
* Possible only in selected rooms. Pets are not allowed in the hotel restaurant.
** Does not apply to Villa Jan and Villa Maria.

The local fee from the stay is 20 CZK / person / day (except for children under 18, people with disabilities, blind people + escort).

General terms and conditions of accommodation in the Mountain Hotel Soláň

  1. Accommodation is booked in writing via the booking form, which is located on the website www.hotelsolan.cz, or by email to recepce@hotelsolan.cz
  2. Reservations confirmed in writing by the hotel reception are binding for both parties.
  3. To accept the reservation, the hotel is entitled to demand an advance payment of 50% of the estimated amount for accommodation.
  4. The guest is obliged to pay a deposit in the specified due date. If they do not, the reservation is not valid.
  5. The advance payment is made non-cash on the basis of the issued invoice.
  6. The guest is obliged to pay a supplement for accommodation during the stay, no later than the day of departure by 10:00.

Hotel accommodation

Accommodation on the day of arrival is possible from 14:00 to 09:00 pm. Possibility of earlier accommodation for a fee of 500 CZK. Later check-in must be announced by telephone or in writing to the hotel reception. In the event that the guest does not show up before 09:00 pm without prior arrangement, the hotel is entitled to cancel the reservation. On the day of departure, it is necessary to leave the room by 10:00 am. Possibility of later leaving the room by 12:00 for a fee of 500 CZK.

Cancellation Policy

  1. Cancellation conditions apply to the cancellation of the reservation by the client.
  2. Individual guests - In case of cancellation, the deposit will be refunded subject to the following conditions:
    • If the stay is canceled more than 61 days before the start date, a cancellation fee of CZK 250 will be charged.
    • If the stay is canceled from 60 to 31 days before the start date, a cancellation fee of CZK 500 will be charged.
    • If the stay is canceled from 31 days before the date of arrival, an amount of 50% of the stay will be charged.
    • If the stay is canceled less than 14 days before the start date, 100% of the stay will be charged.
  3. Group bookings - Ordered services and their numbers are binding and will be charged even if not used.
    The deposit paid will be refunded subject to the following conditions: 
    • If the event is canceled more than 6 months before the start date, a cancellation fee of CZK 500 is charged.
    • If the event is canceled 6 - 3 months before the start date, an amount of 50% of the price of the stay is charged.
    • If the event is canceled less than 3 months before the start date, an amount of 100% of the stay will be charged.
  4. The hotel is entitled to use the deposit paid to pay cancellation fees.
  5. In case of cancellation of a stay for which an advance payment has been made and according to the cancellation conditions, the amount of the deposit paid is higher than the cancellation itself, the hotel will refund the amount exceeding the cancellation fee.
  6. In case of premature termination or interruption of the stay without the fault of the hotel, the hotel is not obliged to return the price paid for the stay or its proportional part.
  7. The gift voucher is non-refundable after issuance and no financial compensation can be claimed for it.